The tables below provide the organization of the Eastern Troops in service of the Germany Army on 5 May 1943. Only units known to the General der Osttruppen, the commanding officer responsible for supervising eastern troops, are presented in the tables. The tables are not intended to display the organization of regular German Army formations and units, their titles are only provided to show which formation or unit each Osttruppen unit was attached to. The tables cover all Heeresgruppen and theatres of war. The Schematische Kriegsgliederung does not indicate to which specific divisional commands each unit is assigned to, unless the division in question is a German Army security division. Where an eastern unit has been attached directly to a German Army division, it is usually noted as being "bei...", so an eastern unit attached to the 344. Infanterie-Division would have a note next to it indicating that the unit is "bei 344. Infanterie-Division."
The tables are laid out so that the organization of higher-echelon formations, i.e. corps and armies, and their respective attachments should be clear. The tables go from the top-most organization to the bottom-level organization, so if you are reading the page from top to bottom you will begin at the Army Group level, and proceeding down you will see the various assigned Army and Corps. Use the links within the tables to jump from one formation to another.
Each table has a label at the top, indicating which formation it refers to. This title is repeated in the left-hand column of the table for reference. The right-hand column lists all of the Osttruppen units assigned to that particular formation. Within the right-hand column, each "level" of indentation indicates a level of subordination. No indentation means that the unit in question is directly attached to the main formation. Units indented one level are directly subordinate to the parent unit above it. A parent unit or formation of regiment size or larger with subordinate elements is always displayed in boldface type, and without being indented.
The echelon-level of certain units and command staffs, i.e. REGIMENT, BRIGADE, CORPS, etc., is provided next to the unit's or staff's title in brackets with capital letters: e.g. Armenische Legion (REGIMENT). This is used where the unit's or staff's title designation does itself indicate the exact size.
Research footnotes next to unit titles are presented in BLACK type and in brackets [ ]. These are footnotes that were added by the researcher, and are either additions, corrections, or translations of notes found on the original document.
Original footnotes next to unit titles are presented in BLUE type and in parenthesis ( ). These are notes added directly to the original document, and are not translated or altered from their original form.
Unit assignments are occasionally noted next to a unit in RED type and in brackets [ ]. These indicate the actual higher formation that the unit is assigned to.
The unit titles of all units and formations are presented in their original German form, and appear in BLUE type. If you need translations of their titles, use the Site Glossary. In most cases, the unit titles are in their unabbreviated form. Unit titles are left unabbreviated when the actual title can not be determined.
Source: This information was largely taken from the original document listed below, found on Microfilm Roll T78-413, Frame 1302, a holding of the U.S. National Archives. Supplemental information was provided by the sources listed at the bottom of this page.
Notes on the Summary Tables:
Below each Formation Table is a Summary Table that presents an overall picture of the total numbers of Osttruppen units, organized by unit type, ethnicity, and size, that were assigned to that formation on 5 May 1943. The Summary Tables are meant to be used to perform quick examinations of the total units assigned to each formation, and present this information in an easy-to-read format. In-depth examinations should instead be performed using the Formation Tables, as they provide more specific information. The Summary Tables use certain abbreviations and categories to organize the information, as noted below:
- Construction Battalions: includes all Bau- and Träger-Bau-.
- Construction Companies: Includes all Bau- and Straßenbau-, and Eisenbahn-Bau-.
- Supply Companies: Includes all Nachschub- and Nachschub-Transport-.
- Cossack Cavalry: Used to differentiate between Cossack cavalry and other cavalry units.
- Cossack: Cossack infantry units are listed under the regular "Infantry" categories, Cossack cavalry units are under their own category, "Cossack Cavalry."
- Infantry categories: If not specified, units (regardless of size) are assumed to be infantry. Also includes Gebirgs-, Jäger-, Feld-, and Sicherungs-Infanterie-.
- Cavalry: Also includes Kavallerie-Sicherungs.
- Unspecified units in 162. Infanterie-Division (turk.) are listed as being "Turkic."
- School category units are company-sized units unless otherwise specified.
Schematische Kriegsgliederung der landeseigenen Verbände 5.Mai.43 T78-413, Frame 1302 (H 1/153) OKH/Gen.St.d.H. General der Osttruppen Nr 402/43 gKdos. Stand vom 5.Mai.43 |
General der Osttruppen |
General der Osttruppen | Heeresgruppe A Heeresgruppe Süd Heeresgruppe Mitte Heeresgruppe Nord Oberbefehlshaber West Wehrmacht Befehlshaber Ukraine Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres Total Eastern Troops, 5 May 1943 |
Heeresgruppe A |
Heeresgruppe A | Direct Attachments Befehlshaber Krim Befehlshaber der Straße Kertsch 17. Armee (A.O.K. 17) Heeresgruppe A, Total Eastern Troops |
Direct Attachments (Heeresgruppe A) |
Direct Attachments (Heeresgruppe A) | Turkestanisches Feldzeug-Bataillon 8 (3 Kompanien) Turkestanisches Feldzeug-Bataillon 11 (3 Kompanien) 5. Georgische Nachschub-Transport-Kompanie/151 6. Georg.Nachschub-Transport-Kompanie/151 4. Turk.Nachschub-Transport-Kompanie/592 5. Kauk.Nachschub-Transport-Kompanie/546 Kaukasische Freiwilligen-Infanterie-Kompanie [No other designation] Ukrainisches Bau-Bataillon 64 (4 Kompanien und Nachschub-Kolonne) 2 x Ost-Hiwi-Kompanie [These may be "Hiwi-Wach-Kompanien", but the designation is not clear] Ukrainische Nachschub-Kompanie (mot.) 666 Ost-Fernsprechbetriebsstaffel 15 Ost-Fernsprechbetriebsstaffel 27 Ost-Fernsprechbetriebsstaffel 55 Ost-Fernsprechbetriebsstaffel 63 |
Direct Attachments (Heeresgruppe A), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Georg. | Kauk. | Ost | Turk. | Ukrain. | Total |
Ordnance Battalions | - | - | - | 2 | - | 2 |
Construction Battalions | - | - | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Supply Companies | 2 | 1 | - | 1 | 1 | 5 |
Hiwi Companies | - | - | 2 | - | - | 2 |
Infantry Companies | - | 1 | - | - | - | 1 |
Telephone Operation Sections | - | - | 4 | - | - | 4 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 2 | 2 | 6 | 3 | 2 | 3B; 8C; 4P |
Befehlshaber Krim (Heeresgruppe A) |
Befehlshaber Krim (Heeresgruppe A) | Turkestanisches Infanterie-Regiment Bergmann (17 Kompanien) [Reorganized on 24 July 1943 as:] Georgisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./Bergmann (4 Kompanien)* Kaukasisches Infanterie-Bataillon II./Bergmann (4 Kompanien)* Kaukasisches Infanterie-Bataillon III./Bergmann (4 Kompanien)* Aserbeidschanisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./73 (5 Kompanien; in Auffrischung) Aserbeidschanisches Infanterie-Bataillon 804 (5 Kompanien) Aserbeidschanisches Infanterie-Bataillon 806 (5 Kompanien; in Auffrischung) Turkestanisches Infanterie-Batillon I./370 (5 Kompanien; in Auffrischung) Georgisches Infanterie-Bataillon II./4 (5 Kompanien) Georgisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./9 (5 Kompanien) Turkestanisches Bau-Bataillon 245 [Number of companies not given] 5. Aserbeidschanische Straßenbau-Kompanie/551 5. Aserbeidschanische Straßenbau-Kompanie/559 5. Aserbeidschanische Straßenbau-Kompanie/563 5. Armenische Bau-Kompanie/51 5. Armenische Bau-Kompanie/144 5. Georgische Wach-Kompanie/43B |
Befehlshaber Krim (Heeresgruppe A), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Armen. | Aserb. | Georg. | Turk. | Total |
Infantry Regiments | - | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Infantry Battalions | - | 3 | 2 | 1 | 6 |
Construction Battalions | - | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Construction Companies | 2 | 3 | - | - | 5 |
Guard Companies | - | - | 1 | - | 1 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 2 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 1R; 7B; 6C |
Befehlshaber der Straße Kertsch (Heeresgruppe A) |
Befehlshaber der Straße Kertsch (Heeresgruppe A) | 4. Turkestanische Nachschub-Kompanie/563 (In Zuführung:) Georgische Bau-Kompanie 17 Georgische Bau-Kompanie 24 Turkestanisches Träger-Bau-Bataillon 1000 |
Befehlshaber der Straße Kertsch (Heeresgruppe A), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Georg. | Turk. | Total |
Construction Battalions | - | 1 | 1 |
Supply Companies | - | 1 | 1 |
Construction Companies | 2 | - | 2 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 2 | 2 | 1B; 3C |
17. Armee (Heeresgruppe A) |
17. Armee (A.O.K. 17) (Heeresgruppe A) | Kosaken Regiment Platow (Stab und 8 Kompanien) Kosaken Kavallerie-Schwadron (bei Regiment 4 ) [No other designation; probably refers to Radfahrer-Sicherungs-Regiment 4] Ukrainisches Bau-Bataillon 131 (4 Kompanien) Ukrainisches Bau-Bataillon 221 (4 Kompanien) Ukrainische Bau-Kompanie 97 Ukrainische Bau-Kompanie 101 Ukrainische Nachschub-Kompanie 562 Ost-Bau-Kompanie 4 Ukrainische Kraftfahr-Kompanie (mot.) 562 Ost-Fahr-Kompanie [No other designation] Ost-Nachschub-Kolonne [No other designation] 1. Ost-Nachschub-Kolonne/125 2. Ost-Nachschub-Kolonne/125 1. Turkestanische Infanterie-Kompanie/452 Turkestanische Nachschub Kolonne 452 |
17. Armee (Heeresgruppe A), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Kosaken | Ost | Turk. | Ukrain. | Total |
Cossack Cavalry Regiments | 1 | - | - | - | 1 |
Construction Battalions | - | - | - | 2 | 2 |
Cossack Cavalry Squadrons | 1 | - | - | - | 1 |
Construction Companies | - | 1 | - | 2 | 3 |
Supply Companies | - | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Supply Columns | - | 3 | 1 | - | 4 |
Motor Transport Companies | - | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Motor Pool Companies | - | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Infantry Companies | - | - | 1 | - | 1 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 2 | 5 | 2 | 6 | 1R; 2B; 12C |
Heeresgruppe A, Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Ethnicity | Total |
Cossack Cavalry Regiments | 1 Kosaken | 1 |
Infantry Regiments | 1 Turk. | 1 |
Total Regiments | 2 | |
Construction Battalions | 2 Turk.; 3 Ukrain. | 5 |
Infantry Battalions | 1 Turk.; 2 Georg.; 3 Aserb. | 6 |
Ordnance Battalions | 2 Turk. | 2 |
Total Battalions | 13 | |
Construction Companies | 1 Ost; 2 Armen.; 2 Georg.; 2 Ukrain.; 3 Aserb. | 10 |
Cossack Cavalry Squadrons | 1 Kosaken | 1 |
Guard Companies | 1 Georg. | 1 |
Hiwi Companies | 2 Ost | 2 |
Infantry Companies | 1 Kauk.; 1 Turk. | 2 |
Motor Pool Companies | 1 Ukrain. | 1 |
Motor Transport Companies | 1 Ost | 1 |
Supply Columns | 1 Turk.; 3 Ost | 4 |
Supply Companies | 1 Kauk.; 2 Georg.; 2 Turk.; 2 Ukrain. | 7 |
Total Companies | 29 | |
Telephone Operation Sections | 4 Ost | 4 |
Total Platoons/Sections | 4 |
Heeresgruppe Süd |
Heeresgruppe Süd | Direct Attachments6. Armee (A.O.K. 6) 1. Panzerarmee (Pz.A.O.K. 1) 4. Panzerarmee (Pz.A.O.K. 4) Armeeabteilung Kempf Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Süd Heeresgruppe Süd, Total Eastern Troops |
Direct Attachments (Heeresgruppe Süd) |
Direct Attachments (Heeresgruppe Süd) | Georgisches Infanterie-Bataillon II./198 (5 Kompanien) 6. Turkestanische Wach-Kompanie/571 7. Georgische Wach-Kompanie/571 4. Georgische Nachschub-Kompanie/592 5. Georgische Nachschub-Kompanie/592 [From 22 June 1943] 4. Turkestanische Nachschub-Kompanie/573 4. Ukrainische Wach-Kompanie/571 5. Ukrainische Wach-Kompanie/571 Ukrainisches Bau-Bataillon 112 [Number of companies not given] Turkestanisches Bau-Bataillon 156 [Number of companies not given] Turkestanisches Bau-Bataillon 305 (4 Kompanien und Nachschub-Kolonne) |
Direct Attachments (Heeresgruppe Süd), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Georg. | Turk. | Ukrain. | Total |
Infantry Battalions | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Construction Battalions | - | 2 | 1 | 3 |
Guard Companies | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Supply Companies | 2 | 1 | - | 3 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4B; 7C |
6. Armee (Heeresgruppe Süd) |
6. Armee (A.O.K. 6) (Heeresgruppe Süd) | Ukrainisches Infanterie-Bataillon 6 (8 Kompanien) [Renamed Ost-Bataillon 551 1 June 1943] Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon 450 (5 Kompanien) Ukrainisches Bau-Bataillon 109 (4 Kompanien und Nachschub-Kolonne) Ukrainisches Bau-Bataillon 111 (3 Kompanien) 1. Kosaken Kavallerie-Schwadron/583 |
6. Armee (Heeresgruppe Süd), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Kosaken | Turk. | Ukrain. | Total |
Infantry Battalions | - | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Construction Battalions | - | - | 2 | 2 |
Cossack Cavalry Squadrons | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 1 | 1 | 3 | 4B; 1C |
1. Panzerarmee (Heeresgruppe Süd) |
1. Panzerarmee (Pz.A.O.K. 1) (Heeresgruppe Süd) | Kosaken Abteilung 126 (4 Kompanien) Kosaken Abteilung 161 (4 Kompanien) Kosaken Kavallerie-Schwadron (bei III. Panzerkorps) [No other designation] 1. Kosaken Kavallerie-Schwadron/82 Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./94 (4 Kompanien) Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./295 (4 Kompanien) Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./371 (4 Kompanien) Nordkaukasisches Infanterie-Bataillon 802 (5 Kompanien) Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon 784 (4 Kompanien) Aserbeidschanisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./111 (5 Kompanien) Ukrainische Bau-Kompanie 235 |
1. Panzerarmee (Heeresgruppe Süd), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Aserb. | Kosaken | Nordkauk. | Turk. | Ukrain. | Total |
Cossack Cavalry Battalions | - | 2 | - | - | - | 2 |
Infantry Battalions | 1 | - | 1 | 4 | - | 6 |
Cossack Cavalry Squadrons | - | 2 | - | - | - | 2 |
Construction Companies | - | - | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 1 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8B; 3C |
4. Panzerarmee (Heeresgruppe Süd) |
4. Panzerarmee (Pz.A.O.K. 4) (Heeresgruppe Süd) | 5. Turkestanische Nachschub-Kompanie/606 5. Armenische Nachschub-Kompanie/619 4. Georgische Nachschub-Kompanie/606 6. Turkestanische Nachschub-Kompanie/606 [From 22 June 1943] |
4. Panzerarmee (Heeresgruppe Süd), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Armen. | Georg. | Turk. | Total |
Supply Companies | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4C |
Armeeabteilung Kempf (Heeresgruppe Süd) |
Armeeabteilung Kempf (Heeresgruppe Süd) | Kosaken Kavallerie-Schwadron (bei 57. Infanterie-Division) [No other designation] Kosaken Kavallerie-Schwadron (bei 6. Panzer-Division) [No other designation] 4. Georgische Wach-Kompanie/591 5. Armenische Nachschub-Kompanie/591 6. Armenische Nachschub-Kompanie/591 [From 22 June 1943] Ost-Wach-Bataillon 555 (3 Kompanien) Ukrainische Infanterie-Kompanie 248 Ost-Kompanie 448 5. Ost-Wach-Kompanie/122B 6. Ost-Wach-Kompanie/122B |
Armeeabteilung Kempf (Heeresgruppe Süd), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Armen. | Georg. | Kosaken | Ost | Ukrain. | Total |
Guard Battalions | - | - | - | 1 | - | 1 |
Cossack Cavalry Squadrons | - | - | 2 | - | - | 2 |
Guard Companies | - | 1 | - | 2 | - | 3 |
Supply Companies | 2 | - | - | - | - | 2 |
Infantry Companies | - | - | - | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 2 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 1B; 9C |
Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Süd (Heeresgruppe Süd) |
Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Süd (Heeresgruppe Süd) | (Kosaken-)Kavallerie-Regiment von Jungschultz (12 Kompanien) [Renamed Kosaken-Regiment 1 (von Jungschultz) on 15 February 1943, and redesignated 3. Reiter-Regiment Sswodno on 1 June 1943] Kalmuken Kavallerie-Regiment Dr. Doll (19 Kompanien) Kalmuken-Kavallerie-Regiment 5 Kuban (4 Kompanien) Kosaken Abteilung I./454 (3 Kompanien) Kosaken Abteilung II./454 (3 Kompanien) Kosaken Abteilung III./454 (4 Kompanien) Kosaken Abteilung IV./454 (4 Kompanien) Kosaken Kavallerie-Ausbildungs-Abteilung [No other designation] Kosaken Abteilung 213 (5 Kompanien) Ost-Reiter-Ausbildungs-Abteilung Kranz (3 Kompanien) Ost-Reiter-Abteilung 403 (3 Kompanien) Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon 783 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bau-Bataillon 559 (5 Kompanien) Ost-Minenräum-Kompanie 554 1. - 3. Ost-Kompanie/556 1. und 2. Ost-Fernsprechbetriebsstaffel/66 Ost-Fernsprechbetriebsstaffel 62 Ost-Fernsprechbetriebsstaffel 43 Ost-Fernsprechbetriebsstaffel 51 Ost-Kompanie 213 |
Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Süd (Heeresgruppe Süd), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Kalmuken | Kosaken | Ost | Turk. | Total |
Cossack Cavalry Regiments | - | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Cavalry Regiments | 2 | - | - | - | 2 |
Cossack Cavalry Battalions | - | 5 | - | - | 5 |
Cossack Cavalry Training Battalion | - | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Cavalry Training Battalions | - | - | 1 | - | 1 |
Cavalry Battalions | - | - | 1 | - | 1 |
Infantry Battalions | - | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Construction Battalions | - | - | 1 | - | 1 |
Mine Clearing Companies | - | - | 1 | - | 1 |
Infantry Companies | - | - | 4 | - | 4 |
Telephone Operation Sections | - | - | 5 | - | 5 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 2 | 7 | 13 | 1 | 3R; 10B; 10C |
Heeresgruppe Süd, Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Ethnicity | Total |
Cavalry Regiments | 2 Kalmuken | 2 |
Cossack Cavalry Regiments | 1 Kosaken | 1 |
Total Regiments | 3 | |
Cavalry Battalions | 1 Ost | 1 |
Cavalry Training Battalions | 1 Ost | 1 |
Construction Battalions | 1 Ost; 2 Turk.; 3 Ukrain. | 6 |
Cossack Cavalry Battalions | 7 Kosaken | 7 |
Cossack Cavalry Training Battalions | 1 Kosaken | 1 |
Guard Battalions | 1 Ost | 1 |
Infantry Battalions | 1 Georg.; 1 Nordkauk.; 1 Ukrain.; 6 Turk. | 9 |
Total Battalions | 26 | |
Construction Companies | 1 Ukrain. | 1 |
Cossack Cavalry Squadrons | 5 Kosaken | 5 |
Guard Companies | 1 Turk.; 2 Georg.; 2 Ost; 2 Ukrain. | 7 |
Infantry Companies | 1 Ukrain.; 5 Ost | 6 |
Mine Clearing Companies | 1 Ost | 1 |
Supply Companies | 3 Armen.; 3 Georg.; 3 Turk. | 9 |
Total Companies | 29 | |
Telephone Operation Sections | 5 Ost | 5 |
Total Platoons/Sections | 5 |
Heeresgruppe Mitte |
Heeresgruppe Mitte | Direct Attachments2. Armee LII. Armeekorps VII. Armeekorps XIII. Armeekorps rückwärtigen Armeegebiet 580 2. Panzerarmee XX. Armeekorps XXXXVII. Panzerkorps XXXXVI. Panzerkorps XXXXI. Panzerkorps XXXV. Armeekorps LIII. Armeekorps LV. Armeekorps rückwärtigen Armeegebiet 532 4. Armee LVI. Panzerkorps XII. Armeekorps IX. Armeekorps XXXIX. Panzerkorps XXVII. Armeekorps Korück 559 3. Panzerarmee VI. Armeekorps II. Luftwaffen Feldkorps XXXXIII. Armeekorps 201. Sicherungs-Division rückwärtigen Armeegebiet 590 rückwärtigen Armeegebiet 582 Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Mitte Heeresgruppe Mitte, Total Eastern Troops |
Direct Attachments (Heeresgruppe Mitte) |
Direct Attachments (Heeresgruppe Mitte) | Ost-Bataillon 82 (2 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 308 (3 Kompanien) 1. Ost-Fernsprecher-Kompanie/515 2. Ost-Fernsprecher-Kompanie/515 Turkestanisches Träger-Bau-Bataillon 1001 (3 Kompanien) Ost-Kompanie 606 4. Turkestanische Nachschub-Kompanie/544 [Brjansk) 1. Ost-Kompanie/607 2. Ost-Kompanie/607 (Gomel) 3. Ost-Kompanie/607 (Gomel) 4. Aserbeidschanische Nachschub-Kompanie/548 (Gomel) 5. Turkestanische Wach-Kompanie/B99 (Orscha) Turkestanische Infanterie-Kompanie 493 (Orscha) Ost-Kompanie 608 (Orscha) Ost-Kompanie 611 (Orscha) Ost-Kompanie 609 (Minsk) 1. Ost-Kompanie/610 (Minsk) 2. Ost-Kompanie/610 (Minsk) 3. Ost-Kompanie/610 (Minsk) 4. Georgische Nachschub-Kompanie/B147 (Bobruisk) 5. Turkestanische Infanterie-(K)Kompanie/51B (Witebsk) 5. Turkestanische Nachschub-Kompanie/B107 (Witebsk) 5. Turkestanische Nachschub-Kompanie/B23 (Smolensk) (In Zuführung:) Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie 79 Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie 135 Georgisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./1 (5 Kompanien) |
Direct Attachments (Heeresgruppe Mitte), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Aserb. | Georg. | Ost | Turk. | Total |
Construction Battalions | - | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Infantry Battalions | - | 1 | 2 | - | 3 |
Telephone Companies | - | - | 2 | - | 2 |
Infantry Companies | - | - | 10 | 2 | 12 |
Supply Companies | 1 | 1 | - | 3 | 5 |
Guard Companies | - | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Construction Companies | - | - | - | 2 | 2 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 1 | 2 | 14 | 9 | 4B; 22C |
2. Armee (Heeresgruppe Mitte) |
2. Armee (Heeresgruppe Mitte) | Ost-Reiter-Schwadron 299 Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie 120 Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie 123 Turkestanische Eisenbahn-Bau-Kompanie 217 LII. Armeekorps 1 x Schwadron/Ost-Reiter-Abteilung 57 [No other designation] VII. Armeekorps 1 x Schwadron/Ost-Reiter-Abteilung 57 [No other designation] Ost-Bau-Kompanie 168 Ost-Kompanie 407 XIII. Armeekorps Ost-Kompanie 340 Ost-Kompanie 413 Ost-Kompanie 182 rückwärtigen Armeegebiet 580 Ost-Reiter-Abteilung 580 (3 Schwadronen) Ost-Aufklärungs-Abteilung (mot.) 581 (4 Schwadronen) Ost-Wach-Bataillon 552 (7 Kompanien) Ost-Wach-Bataillon 581 (5 Kompanien) Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./76 (5 Kompanien) Turkestanisches Feld-Bataillon I./389 (5 Kompanien) Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./785 (4 Kompanien) |
2. Armee (Heeresgruppe Mitte), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Ost | Turk. | Total |
Cavalry Battalions | 1 | - | 1 |
Reconnaissance Battalions | 1 | - | 1 |
Guard Battalions | 2 | - | 2 |
Infantry Battalions | - | 3 | 3 |
Cavalry Squadrons | 3 | - | 3 |
Construction Companies | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Rail Construction Companies | - | 1 | 1 |
Infantry Companies | 4 | - | 4 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 12 | 6 | 7B; 11C |
2. Panzerarmee (Heeresgruppe Mitte) |
2. Panzerarmee (Heeresgruppe Mitte) | Ost-Kompanie 85 4. Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie/44 4. Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie/320 4. Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie/511 Kosaken Artillerie-Batterie 553 XX. Armeekorps 1. Ost-Kompanie/84 2. Ost-Kompanie/84 XXXXVII. Panzerkorps 1. Kosaken Kavallerie-Schwadron/137 2. Kosaken Kavallerie-Schwadron/137 Ost-Kompanie 45 Ost-Kompanie 102 XXXXVI. Panzerkorps Ost-Wach-Bataillon 581 (2 Kompanien) 1. Ost-Kompanie/446 2. Ost-Kompanie/446 Ost-Kompanie 178 XXXXI. Panzerkorps Ost-Kompanie 383 XXXV. Armeekorps Ost-Kompanie 34 Ost-Kompanie 156 LIII. Armeekorps Ost-Kompanie 25 Ost-Bataillon 441 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Kompanie 453 LV. Armeekorps Ost-Bataillon 134 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Kompanie 110 Ost-Bataillon 339 (4 Kompanien) 1. Ost-Reiter-Schwadron/447 2. Ost-Reiter-Schwadron/447 Ost-Kompanie 455 Ost-Bataillon I./447 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon II./447 (4 Kompanien) Armenisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./125 (5 Kompanien) rückwärtigen Armeegebiet 532 Kosaken Kavallerie-Sicherungs-Abteilung III./57 (4 Schwadronen) Ost-Bataillon 615 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 616 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 617 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 618 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 620 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Artillerie-Abteilung 621 Armenisches Infanterie-Bataillon II./9 (5 Kompanien) Aserbeidschanisches Infanterie-Bataillon 807 (5 Kompanien) |
2. Panzerarmee (Heeresgruppe Mitte), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Armen. | Aserb. | Kosaken | Ost | Turk. | Total |
Cossack Cavalry Battalions | - | - | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Guard Battalion | - | - | - | 1 | - | 1 |
Infantry Battalions | 2 | 1 | - | 10 | - | 13 |
Artillery Battalions | - | - | - | 1 | - | 1 |
Cossack Cavalry Squadrons | - | - | 2 | - | - | 2 |
Cavalry Squadrons | - | - | - | 2 | - | 2 |
Infantry Companies | - | - | - | 15 | - | 15 |
Construction Companies | - | - | - | - | 3 | 3 |
Artillery Batteries | - | - | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 2 | 1 | 4 | 29 | 3 | 16B; 23C |
4. Armee (Heeresgruppe Mitte) |
4. Armee (Heeresgruppe Mitte) | 4. Ost-Nachschub-Kompanie (mot.)/604 5. Ost-Nachschub-Kompanie (mot.)/604 4. Ost-Nachschub-Kompanie/622 4. Ost-Nachschub-Kompanie/687 4. Ost-Nachschub-Kompanie/690 Ost-Kompanie 612 1. Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie/136 2. Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie/137 4. Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie/57 4. Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie/544 Ost-Kompanie 626 (mit Oberquartiermeister 4, A.O.K. 4) Ost-Ersatz-Bataillon 4 (4 Kompanien) LVI. Panzerkorps Ost-Banden-Jagd-Kompanie (mit 31. Infanterie-Division) 1. Ost-Kompanie/131 2. Ost-Kompanie/131 Ost-Kompanie 10 1. Ost-Kompanie/267 2. Ost-Kompanie/267 Ost-Bataillon 456 (3 Kompanien) XII. Armeekorps Ost-Kompanie 260 Ost-Kompanie 268 Ost-Bataillon 412 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Banden-Jagd-Kompanie [Assigned to 98. Infanterie-Division] IX. Armeekorps Ost-Banden-Jagd-Kompanie [Assigned to 252. Infanterie-Division] XXXIX. Panzerkorps Ost-Kompanie 195 Ost-Kompanie 439 XXVII. Armeekorps Ost-Kompanie 152 Ost-Kompanie 253 Ost-Bataillon 229 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 427 (2 Kompanien) Korück 559 Ost-Bataillon 627 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 642 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 643 (3 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 629 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Artillerie-Batterie 614 Ost-Bataillon 646 (Dorogobusch) (3 Kompanien) Ost-Kompanie 613 (Dorogobusch) (mit Ortskommandantur 292) Ost-Wach-Kompanie 640 (Dorogobusch) |
4. Armee (Heeresgruppe Mitte), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Ost | Turk. | Total |
Infantry Battalions | 9 | - | 9 |
Replacement Battalions | 1 | - | 1 |
Supply Companies | 5 | - | 5 |
Infantry Companies | 14 | - | 14 |
Construction Companies | - | 4 | 4 |
Anti-Partisan Companies | 3 | - | 3 |
Guard Companies | 1 | - | 1 |
Artillery Batteries | 1 | - | 1 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 34 | 4 | 10B; 28C |
3. Panzerarmee (Heeresgruppe Mitte) |
3. Panzerarmee (Heeresgruppe Mitte) | Ost-Kompanie 639 Ost-Kompanie 644 Ost-Kompanie 645 Ost-Kompanie 59 2. Wolgatatarische Bau-Kompanie/825 [Became 4./Wolgatatarisches Bau-Bataillon 18 on 13 August 1943] VI. Armeekorps Ost-Kompanie 183 Ost-Bataillon 406 (3 Kompanien) 4. Georgische Bau-Kompanie/91 4. Georgische Bau-Kompanie/415 II. Luftwaffen-Feldkorps 1. Ost-Kompanie/263 2. Ost-Kompanie/263 3. Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie/248 3. Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie/416 XXXXIII. Armeekorps Ost-Kompanie 205 Ost-Kompanie 331 Kosaken Abteilung 443 (3 Kompanien) 201. Sicherungs-Division Kosaken Bataillon 622 (5 Kompanien) Kosaken Bataillon 623 (5 Kompanien) Kosaken Bataillon 624 (5 Kompanien) Kosaken Bataillon 625 (5 Kompanien) Kosaken Kompanie 638 Ost-Bataillon 603 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Reiter-Schwadron 201 1. Wolgatatarische Infanterie-Kompanie/825 5. Ost-Sicherungs-Kompanie/722 Ost-Wach-Bataillon 508 (3 Kompanien) rückwärtigen Armeegebiet 590 Ost-Bataillon 281 (3 Kompanien) rückwärtigen Armeegebiet 582 Ost-Bataillon 628 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 630 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Artillerie-Batterie 582 Ost-Ersatz-Kompanie 582 Ost-Unteroffizier-Schule |
3. Panzerarmee (Heeresgruppe Mitte), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Georg. | Kosaken | Ost | Turk. | Wolgatat. | Total |
Infantry Battalions | - | 4 | 5 | - | - | 9 |
Guard Battalions | - | - | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Cossack Cavalry Battalions | - | 1 | - | - | - | 1 |
Infantry Companies | - | 1 | 10 | - | 1 | 12 |
Replacement Companies | - | - | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Artillery Batteries | - | - | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Cavalry Squadrons | - | - | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Construction Companies | 2 | - | - | 2 | 1 | 5 |
NCO School Unit | - | - | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 2 | 6 | 20 | 2 | 2 | 11B; 21C |
Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Mitte (Heeresgruppe Mitte) |
Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Mitte (Heeresgruppe Mitte) | Ost-Ersatz-Regiment Mitte (9 Kompanien) [Became Ost-Ausbildungs-Regiment Mitte on 10 July 1943 (handwritten note)] Kosaken Abteilung 600 (5 Kompanien) Ost-Nachschub-Kompanie 350 Ost-Nachschub-Kompanie 354 Ost-Bataillon 633 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 634 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 635 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 636 (2 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 637 (4 Kompanien) 1. Ost-Kompanie/221 2. Ost-Reiter-Schwadron/221 Ost-Bataillon 602 (4 Kompanien) 1. Ost-Kompanie/203 2. Ost-Reiter-Schwadron/203 Ost-Bataillon 604 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Reiter-Schwadron 286 Ost-Bataillon 601 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 605 (4 Kompanien) |
Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Mitte (Heeresgruppe Mitte), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Kosaken | Ost | Total |
Replacement Regiments | - | 1 | 1 |
Cossack Cavalry Battalions | 1 | - | 1 |
Infantry Battalions | - | 9 | 9 |
Supply Companies | - | 2 | 2 |
Infantry Companies | - | 2 | 2 |
Cavalry Squadrons | - | 3 | 3 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 1 | 17 | 1R; 10B; 7C |
Heeresgruppe Mitte, Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Ethnicity | Total |
Replacement Regiments | 1 Ost | 1 |
Total Regiments | 1 | |
Artillery Battalions | 1 Ost | 1 |
Cavalry Battalions | 1 Ost | 1 |
Construction Battalions | 1 Turk. | 1 |
Cossack Cavalry Battalions | 3 Kosaken | 3 |
Guard Battalions | 4 Ost | 4 |
Infantry Battalions | 1 Aserb.; 1 Georg.; 2 Armen.; 3 Turk.; 35 Ost | 42 |
Reconnaissance Battalions | 1 Ost | 1 |
Replacement Battalions | 1 Ost | 1 |
Total Battalions | 54 | |
Anti-Partisan Companies | 3 Ost | 3 |
Artillery Batteries | 1 Kosaken; 2 Ost | 3 |
Cavalry Squadrons | 9 Ost | 9 |
Construction Companies | 1 Ost; 1 Wolgatat.; 2 Georg.; 14 Turk. | 17 |
Cossack Cavalry Squadrons | 2 Kosaken | 2 |
Guard Companies | 2 Ost | 2 |
Infantry Companies | 1 Kosaken; 1 Wolgatat.; 2 Turk.; 55 Ost | 59 |
NCO School Unit | 1 Ost | 1 |
Replacement Companies | 1 Ost | 1 |
Supply Companies | 1 Aserb.; 1 Georg.; 3 Turk.; 7 Ost | 12 |
Telephone Companies | 2 Ost | 2 |
Total Companies | 111 |
Heeresgruppe Nord |
Heeresgruppe Nord | Direct Attachments16. Armee 18. Armee Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Nord Heeresgruppe Nord, Total Eastern Troops |
Direct Attachments (Heeresgruppe Nord) |
Direct Attachments (Heeresgruppe Nord) | (In Zuführung:) Aserbeidschanische Bau-Kompanie 25 Aserbeidschanische Bau-Kompanie 87 Armenische Bau-Kompanie 254 Armenische Bau-Kompanie 257 Georgische Bau-Kompanie 127 Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie 414 Litauische Wach-Kompanie 650 Lettische Wach-Kompanie 651 Lettische Wach-Kompanie 652 |
Direct Attachments (Heeresgruppe Nord), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Armen. | Aserb. | Georg. | Lett. | Litau. | Turk. | Total |
Construction Companies | 2 | 2 | 1 | - | - | 1 | 6 |
Guard Companies | - | - | - | 2 | 1 | - | 3 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 9C |
16. Armee (Heeresgruppe Nord) |
16. Armee (A.O.K. 16) (Heeresgruppe Nord) | rückwärtigen Armeegebiet 584 Ost-Ersatz-Bataillon 16 (1. und 3. Kompanie in Aufstellung) [Number of companies not given] Ost-Bataillon 667 (6 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 668 (6 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 669 (3 Kompanien in Vfg.; 3 Kompanien in Aufstellung) Ost-Bataillon 620 (4 Kompanien) 1. Ost-Artillerie-Batterie/670 2. Ost-Artillerie-Batterie/670 Ost-Nachrichten-Kompanie 671 [Disbanded 23 August 1943] Ost-Bataillon 653 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 654 (4 Kompanien) Kosaken Kavallerie-Schwadron 655 Estnische Infanterie-Kompanie 657 |
16. Armee (Heeresgruppe Nord), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Estn. | Kosaken | Ost | Total |
Replacement Battalions | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Infantry Battalions | - | - | 6 | 6 |
Artillery Batteries | - | - | 2 | 2 |
Signals Companies | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Cossack Cavalry Squadrons | - | 1 | - | 1 |
Infantry Companies | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 1 | 1 | 10 | 7B; 5C |
18. Armee (Heeresgruppe Nord) |
18. Armee (A.O.K. 18) (Heeresgruppe Nord) | rückwärtigen Armeegebiet 583 Estnisches Infanterie-Bataillon 658 (4 Kompanien) Estnisches Infanterie-Bataillon 659 (4 Kompanien) Estnisches Infanterie-Bataillon 660 (4 Kompanien) Estnisches Ersatz-Bataillon Narwa (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 661 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 662 (2 Kompanien) Ost-Ersatz-Bataillon 663 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon (Finn.) 664 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Bataillon 665 (4 Kompanien) Ost-Pionier-Bataillon 666 (4 Kompanien) |
18. Armee (Heeresgruppe Nord), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Estn. | Ost | Total |
Replacement Battalions | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Engineer Battalions | - | 1 | 1 |
Infantry Battalions | 3 | 4* | 7 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 4 | 6 | 10B |
Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Nord (Heeresgruppe Nord) |
Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Nord (Heeresgruppe Nord) | Ost-Reiter-Abt. 207 (3 Kompanien) Nordkaukasisches Infanterie-Bataillon 842 (2 Kompanien)* Nordkaukasisches Infanterie-Bataillon 843 (2 Kompanien)* Armenisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./198 (5 Kompanien)Ost-Pionier-Bataillon 672 (3 Kompanien) Ost-Reiter-Abteilung 285 1., 2. Nordkaukasische Infanterie-Kompanie/844 |
Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Nord (Heeresgruppe Nord), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Armen. | Nordkauk. | Nordukr. | Ost | Total |
Infantry Battalions | 1 | - | 2 | - | 3 |
Engineer Battalions | - | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Cavalry Battalions | - | - | - | 2 | 2 |
Infantry Companies | - | 2 | - | - | 2 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 6B; 2C |
Heeresgruppe Nord, Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Ethnicity | Total |
Cavalry Battalions | 2 Ost | 2 |
Engineer Battalions | 2 Ost | 2 |
Infantry Battalions | 1 Armen.; 2 Nordukr.; 3 Estn.; 10 Ost | 16 |
Replacement Battalions | 1 Estn.; 1 Ost | 2 |
Total Battalions | 22 | |
Artillery Batteries | 2 Ost | 2 |
Construction Companies | 1 Georg.; 1 Turk.; 2 Armen.; 2 Aserb. | 6 |
Cossack Cavalry Squadrons | 1 Kosaken | 1 |
Guard Companies | 1 Litau.; 2 Lett. | 3 |
Infantry Companies | 1 Estn.; 2 Nordkauk. | 3 |
Signals Companies | 1 Ost | 1 |
Total Companies | 16 |
Oberbefehlshaber West |
Oberbefehlshaber West | LXXXVIII. Armeekorps Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon 787 (5 Kompanien) Armenisches Infanterie-Bataillon 812 (5 Kompanien) 7. Armee (A.O.K. 7) LXXXIV. Armeekorps Georgisches Infanterie-Bataillon 797 (5 Kompanien) 76. Infanterie-Division Georgisches Infanterie-Bataillon 798 (5 Kompanien) 1. Armee (A.O.K. 1) Nordkaukasisches Infanterie-Bataillon 803 (5 Kompanien)* Wolgatatarisches Infanterie-Bataillon 826 (5 Kompanien) |
Oberbefehlshaber West, Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Armen. | Georg. | Nordukr. | Turk. | Wolgatat. | Total |
Infantry Battalions | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6B |
Wehrmacht Befehlshaber Ukraine |
Wehrmacht Befehlshaber Ukraine | 2 x Kosaken Infanterie-Bataillon (Schepatowka) [No other designation] Kosaken Infanterie-Bataillon (6 Kompanien) (Mosyr) [No other designation] Kosaken Infanterie-Bataillon 2 (6 Kompanien) Kosaken Infanterie-Bataillon 4 (8 Kompanien) Kosaken Infanterie-Bataillon 6 (8 Kompanien) Kosaken Infanterie-Bataillon 10 (8 Kompanien) Kosaken Infanterie-Bataillon 11 (8 Kompanien) Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon 786 (5 Kompanien) Nordkaukasisches Infanterie-Bataillon 835 (5 Kompanien) Kosaken Infanterie-Bataillon 3 (8 Kompanien) (bei 1. Kavallerie-Division) Kosaken Infanterie-Bataillon 9 (8 Kompanien) (bei 1. Kavallerie-Division) Legionslager Shitomir 3 x Aserbeidschanische Kompanie [No type or designation given] Legionslager Berditschew (Verlegung nach Zaslaw) Armenische Kompanie [No type or designation given] Legionslager Proskurow 9 x Turkestanische Kompanie [No type or designation given] Legionslager Zaslaw Georgische Kompanie [No type or designation given] 2 x Armenische Kompanie [No type or designation given] |
Wehrmacht Befehlshaber Ukraine, Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Armen. | Aserb. | Georg. | Kosaken | Nordkauk. | Turk. | Total |
Infantry Battalions | - | - | - | 10 | 1 | 1 | 12 |
Infantry Companies | 3 | 3 | 1 | - | - | 9 | 16 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 3 | 3 | 1 | 10 | 1 | 10 | 12B; 16C |
Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres |
Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres | Wehrkreis im Generalgouvernement162. Infanterie-Division (turk.) 1. Kosaken-Division |
Wehrkreis im Generalgouvernement (Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres) |
Wehrkreis im Generalgouvernement (Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres) | Armenische Legion (BRIGADE) Legion-Führer-Schule (Legionowo) (BRIGADE) Ostvölkisches Genesenden-Bataillon I (Kossow) Armenisches Stamm-Bataillon Armenische Unterführer-Kompanie Armenisches Infanterie-Bataillon 810 (5 Kompanien) Armenisches Infanterie-Bataillon 813 (5 Kompanien) Armenisches Infanterie-Bataillon 809 (in Auffrischung) Armenisches Infanterie-Bataillon 814 [Added by handwritten note dated 31 August 1943] Aserbeidschanische Legion (REGIMENT) Aserbeidschanisches Stamm-Bataillon Aserbeidschanische Unterführer-Kompanie Aserbeidschanisches Infanterie-Bataillon 817 (5 Kompanien) Aserbeidschanisches Infanterie-Bataillon 805 (in Auffrischung) Georgische Legion (REGIMENT) Georgisches Stamm-Bataillon Georgische Unterführer-Kompanie Georgisches Infanterie-Bataillon 799 (5 Kompanien) Georgisches Infanterie-Bataillon 822 (5 Kompanien) Kaukasische Infanterie-Kompanie General Bergmann Georgisches Infanterie-Bataillon 795 (in Auffrischung) Georgisches Infanterie-Bataillon 823 [Added by handwritten note dated 31 August 1943] Nordkaukasische Legion (REGIMENT) Nordkaukasisches Stamm-Bataillon Nordkaukasische Unterführer-Kompanie Nordkaukasisches Infanterie-Bataillon 836 (5 Kompanien) Nordkaukasisches Infanterie-Bataillon 800 (in Auffrischung) Turkestanische Legion (REGIMENT) Turkestanisches Stamm-Bataillon Turkestanische Unterführer-Kompanie Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon 788 (5 Kompanien) Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon 789 (5 Kompanien) Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon 781 (in Auffrischung) Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon 782 (in Auffrischung) Wolgatatarische Legion (REGIMENT) Wolgatatarisches Stamm-Bataillon Wolgatatarische Unterführer-Kompanie Wolgatatarische Dolmetscher-Vorschule-Kompanie Wolgatatarisches Infanterie-Bataillon 827 [Number of companies not given] Wolgatatarisches Infanterie-Bataillon 828 [Added by handwritten note dated 31 August 1943] Vorlager Zajezjerze Malkinia Biala Podkaska Benjamino Wlodawa Demplin |
Wehrmacht Befehlshaber Ukraine, Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Armen. | Aserb. | Georg. | Kauk. | Nordkauk. | Ostvölk. | Turk. | Wolgatat. | Total |
Officers School (Brig.) | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1 |
Convalescent Battalions | - | - | - | - | - | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Reception Battalions | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | 1 | - | 1 | 1 | 6 |
Infantry Battalions | 4 | 2 | 4 | - | 2 | - | 4 | 2 | 18 |
NCO Companies | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | 1 | - | 1 | 1 | 6 |
Translator Companies | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Infantry Companies | - | - | - | 1 | - | - | - | - | 1 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 7 | 4 | 6 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 6 | 5 | 1BR; 25B; 8C |
162. Infanterie-Division (turk.) (Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres) |
162. Infanterie-Division (turk.) (Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres) | Nachrichtenstaffel Divisions-Führer-Schule Turkestanische Stamm-Kompanie Wehrmacht-Instandsetzungs-Zug Georgische Legion (REGIMENT) Georgische Unterführer-Kompanie Georgische Bau-Kompanie Georgisches Ersatz-Bataillon [No other designation] Aserbeidschanische Legion (REGIMENT) Aserbeidschanische Unterführer-Kompanie Aserbeidschanische Bau-Kompanie Aserbeidschanisches Jäger-Bataillon I./97 Aserbeidschanisches Gebirgs-Bataillon I./4 Aserbeidschanisches Jäger-Bataillon I./101 Aserbeidschanisches Infanterie-Bataillon II./73 Aserbeidschanisches Ersatz-Bataillon [No other designation] 1. Turkestanische Legion (REGIMENT) Turkestanische Unterführer-Kompanie Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./305 Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./44 Turkestanisches Ersatz-Bataillon [No other designation] 2. Turkestanische Legion (REGIMENT) Turkestanische Unterführer-Kompanie Turkestanische Bau-Kompanie Turkestanisches Jäger-Bataillon I./100 Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./384 Turkestanisches Infanterie-Bataillon I./297 Turkestanisches Ersatz-Bataillon [No other designation] Vorlager Neuhammer (mit Bau-Kompanie [No other designation]) Starakonstantinow |
162. Infanterie-Division (turk.), Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Aserb. | Georg. | Turk. | Total |
Replacement Battalions | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Infantry Battalions | 4 | - | 5 | 9 |
Reception Companies | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Division's Officers School | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Construction Companies | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
NCO Companies | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Signals Section | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Repair Platoon | - | - | 1 | 1 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 7 | 3 | 16 | 13B; 11C; 2P |
1. Kosaken-Division (Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres) |
1. Kosaken-Division (Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres) | (in Aufstellung:) Kosaken Kavallerie-Regiment Don 1 Kosaken Kavallerie-Regiment Kuban 4 Kosaken Kavallerie-Regiment Terek 6 Kosaken Kavallerie-Artillerie-Regiment |
1. Kosaken-Division, Total Eastern Troops: |
Unit Type | Kosaken | Total |
Cossack Cavalry Regiments | 3 | 3 |
Artillery Regiments | 1 | 1 |
Total Units by Ethnicity/Size | 4 | 4 |
The Summary Table below displays the total number of Osttruppen units serving in the German Army on 5 May 1943. The regiments, battalions, companies, and platoons/sections listed in the above table include all independent units, as well as the subordinate elements of the 162. Infanterie-Division (turk.) and 1. Kosaken-Division. These totals are provided in order to allow a more immediate analysis of the type and number of Osttruppen units serving in the German Army on this date. The specific formation tables should be used for more in-depth examination of the Osttruppen units and their assignments.
Total Eastern Troops, 5 May 1943: |
Unit Type | Ethnicity | Total |
Artillery Regiments | 1 Kosaken | 1 |
Cavalry Regiments | 2 Kalmuken | 2 |
Cossack Cavalry Regiments | 5 Kosaken | 5 |
Infantry Regiments | 1 Turk. | 1 |
Replacement Regiments | 1 Ost | 1 |
Total Regiments | 10 | |
Artillery Battalions | 1 Ost | 1 |
Cavalry Battalions | 4 Ost | 4 |
Cavalry Training Battalions | 1 Ost | 1 |
Construction Battalions | 1 Ost; 5 Turk.; 6 Ukrain. | 12 |
Convalescent Battalions | 1 Ostvölk. | 1 |
Cossack Cavalry Battalions | 10 Kosaken | 10 |
Cossack Cavalry Training Battalions | 1 Kosaken | 1 |
Engineer Battalions | 2 Ost | 2 |
Guard Battalions | 5 Ost | 5 |
Infantry Battalions | 1 Ukrain.; 3 Estn.; 3 Nordukr.; 3 Wolgatat.; 4 Nordkauk.; 8 Armen.; 10 Aserb.; 10 Georg.; 10 Kosaken; 21 Turk.; 45 Ost | 118 |
Ordnance Battalions | 2 Turk. | 2 |
Reception Battalions | 1 Armen.; 1 Aserb.; 1 Georg.; 1 Nordkauk.; 1 Turk.; 1 Wolgatat. | 6 |
Reconnaissance Battalions | 1 Ost | 1 |
Replacement Battalions | 1 Aserb.; 1 Estn.; 1 Georg; 1 Turk.; 2 Ost | 6 |
Total Battalions | 170 | |
Anti-Partisan Companies | 3 Ost | 3 |
Artillery Batteries | 1 Kosaken; 4 Ost | 5 |
Cavalry Squadrons | 9 Ost | 9 |
Construction Companies | 1 Wolgatat.; 2 Ost; 3 Ukrain.; 4 Armen.; 6 Aserb.; 6 Georg.; 18 Turk. | 40 |
Cossack Cavalry Squadrons | 9 Kosaken | 9 |
Division Officers School | 1 Turk. | 1 |
Guard Companies | 1 Litau.; 1 Turk.; 2 Lett.; 2 Ukrain.; 3 Georg.; 4 Ost | 13 |
Hiwi Companies | 2 Ost | 2 |
Infantry Companies | 1 Estn.; 1 Georg.; 1 Kosaken; 1 Ukrain.; 1 Wolgatat.; 2 Kauk.; 2 Nordkauk.; 3 Armen.; 3 Aserb.; 12 Turk.; 60 Ost | 87 |
Mine Clearing Companies | 1 Ost | 1 |
Motor Pool Companies | 1 Ukrain. | 1 |
Motor Transport Companies | 1 Ost | 1 |
NCO Companies | 1 Armen.; 1 Nordkauk.; 1 Wolgatat.; 2 Aserb.; 2 Georg.; 3 Turk. | 10 |
NCO School Units | 1 Ost | 1 |
Reception Companies | 1 Ost; 1 Turk. | 2 |
Signals Companies | 1 Ost | 1 |
Supply Columns | 1 Turk.; 3 Ost | 4 |
Supply Companies | 1 Aserb.; 1 Kauk.; 2 Ukrain.; 3 Armen.; 6 Georg.; 7 Ost; 8 Turk. | 28 |
Telephone Companies | 2 Ost | 2 |
Translator Companies | 1 Wolgatat. | 1 |
Total Companies | 221 | |
Repair Platoons | 1 Turk, | 1 |
Signals Section | 1 Turk. | 1 |
Telephone Operation Sections | 9 Ost | 9 |
Total Platoons/Sections | 11 |
Munoz, Antonio J. Hitler's Eastern Legions Volume II: The Osttruppen. New York: Axis Europa, Inc., 1997.
Tessin, Georg. Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS 1939 - 1945: Band 1 - 14. Osnabrück, Germany: Biblio Verlag, 1976.
Research: Forrest Opper and Jason von Zerneck
*Corrections by Victor N. Titov
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